The best MBA programes in Poland in 2016
The best Master of Business Administration (MBA) programmes in Poland are offered in Warsaw. Today we have known the results of this year’s MBA Ranking PERSPEKTYWY 2016, in which the top places are taken by the programmes organized by the universities from Warsaw.
In this year’s edition of the ranking 36 programmes were classified, i.e. two more than last year. Like in 2015, this year the winner is Canadian Executive MBA (CEMBA) delivered by Szkola Glówna Handlowa in Warsaw (the Warsaw School of Economics). In the second place there is executiveMBA@UW (2nd rank in 2015) conducted by the University of Warsaw and the third standing is taken ex aequo by Executive MBA offered by Akademia Leona Kozminskiego/ Kozminski University (in 3rd place in 2015) and Executive MBA Katalyst (in 4th place in 2015) delivered by Szkola Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej (the Warsaw University of Technology Business School).
The MBA ranking prepared by Fundacja PERSPEKTYWY (the Perspektywy Education Foundation) is one of the longest tradition as well as the most renowned and famous rankings of this type in Poland. In the course of programme assessment process seven key criteria are taken into account, i.e. reputation and prestige of the programme, essential features of the programme structure, teaching staff, students of the programme, alumni opinions, employers’ preferences and support of the teaching process. As far as each of these criteria is concerned, different factors are measured. In total 27 issues connected with running the MBA programme are considered. The survey is divided into two parts. In the first part the questionnaires submitted by the MBA organizers are analysed, whereas in the second one – the questionnaires submitted by the alumni. The main ranking is accompanied by six sub-rankings reflecting the key criteria of the ranking.
In the lead of this ranking the programmes from Warsaw are dominant. In the top 10 they occupy the first six places. “The results of this year’s ranking confirm power of the Warsaw universities and the MBA programmes delivered by these schools, not only from the point of view of number and diversity of the programmes, but their quality as well,” emphasises Jakub Leszczynski, MBA Portal editor.
The official announcement of the results and awarding ceremony were held at the NOVOTEL hotel in Warsaw. The gala was accompanied by a mini-panel devoted to the MBA programmes, their value in the market and how employers perceive them.
For full results of the ranking, you can go to