6th MBA Rating 2016
Last weekend we knew the results of the 6th edition of the MBA rating prepared by Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Forum - the Association of Management Education SEM FORUM from Poland. This year’s listing includes 28 MBA programmes available in Poland. The MBA rating is carried out every two years and its attempt is to assess quality of the MBA programmes offered in Poland.
The MBA assessment criteria that are taken into account, while preparing this rating, refer to the most important aspects of the MBA programmes. They include such factors as: the academic standards, the teaching methods, the cognitive and development values, the international reach of the programme, as well as the practical value of the programme for managers performing in the dynamic changing business environment. These criteria are later rated in the following groups: the programme and its attendees (33% of the total rating), the education process (47% of the total rating) and the programme management (20% of the total rating). The MBA quality assessment, which represents the most important component of the rating, favourably affects a growth of programmes and continuous improvement in their quality.
The results of the rating are presented as a listing that consists of 5 classes. The programmes under assessment are not listed in order, as it is in the case of the rankings, but they are grouped into the classes that correspond to the programme level. There are the following classes making up the rating: master (5 programmes), professional plus (5 programmes), professional (7 programmes), standard (7 programmes), and promising (4 programmes). In this year’s edition up to 5 new programmes appeared and 8 were removed.
Below we present the results of this rating. Order within a given class is alphabetical.
Nazwa programu | 2014 | 2012 | 2010 |
Programy mistrzowskie: | |||
Canadian Executive MBA (CEMBA) Szkola Glówna Handlowa w Warszawie | M | M | M |
Executive MBA Szkola Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej | M | M | M |
International Master of Business Administration - European Multicultural Integrated Management Program Krakowska Szkola Biznesu Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie |
M | P+ | M |
Miedzynarodowy Program MBA GFKM Gdanska Fundacja Ksztalcenia Menedzerów | M | M | M |
Executive Master of Business Administration Programme Krakowska Szkola Biznesu Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie | P+ | P+ | P |
Programy profesjonalne plus: | |||
emba@UW Uniwersytet Warszawski | P+ | M | M |
Executive Master of Business Administration Wielkopolska Szkola Biznesu przy Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Poznaniu | P+ | M | P |
AaltoExecutive Master of Business Administration Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Poznaniu | P | P+ | P+ |
Magisterskie Studia Menedzerskie MBA Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu, Wydzial Zarzadzania, Informatyki i Finansów | P+ | -- | -- |
MBA KSB+Master Program Krakowska Szkola Biznesu Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie | P+ | -- | -- |
Programy profesjonalne: | |||
Master of Business Administration Wielkopolska Szkola Biznesu przy Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Poznaniu | -- | -- | -- |
Franklin University MBA Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa we Wroclawiu |
P | P | O |
Master of Business Administration Wyzsza Szkola Handlowa we Wroclawiu | P | O | -- |
MBA-SGH Szkola Glówna Handlowa w Warszawie | P | -- | -- |
General MBA Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Gdansku | S | O | P |
Polsko-Amerykanski Program Studiów MBA - Polsko-Amerykanskie Centrum Zarzadzania (PAM Center), Uniwersytet Lódzki | -- | -- | -- |
Master of Business Administration Uniwersytet Gdanski | P | P | P |
Programy Standardowe | |||
MBA „Zarzadzanie w Agrobiznesie" Wydzial Ekonomiczno-Rolniczy Szkoly Glównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego | P | P | P |
Master of Business Administration - Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Poznaniu | A | -- | -- |
Master of Business Administration - Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Szczecinie | -- | -- | -- |
Master of Business Administration - Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa we Wroclawiu | S | O | -- |
Master of Business Administration - Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Toruniu | O | -- | -- |
Studia Podyplomowe „Polsko-Amerykanska Szkola Biznesu" Politechnika Wroclawska | O | A | A |
MBA(SAN)+Master(Clark University) Spoleczna Akademia Nauk w Lodzi | S | P | -- |
Programy obiecujace: | |||
Master of Business Administration - Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Chorzowie | -- | -- | -- |
Szkola Biznesu - Institute of Business Studies - Politechnika Krakowska | A | O | -- |
Master of Business Administration - Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Bydgoszczy | -- | -- | -- |
Francusko-Polskie Studia Podyplomowe w zakresie Zarzadzania - Program „Master Administration des Entreprises" Centrum Francusko-Polskich Studiów w zakresie Zarzadzania Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu | O | P | P |
Source: Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Menedzerskiej FORUM